Lesson: 26 - Insert - Picture, Audio, Video

Purpose: Learn to insert a picture, an audio and a video into a presentation.

No. of Classes

One class - One hour.

Materials Required

Desktop Computer or Laptop and Open office

Curriculum Content


Prior knowledge

Typing text in text document and its properties.

Should know about the usage of Master page.



1. Create a presentation on any topic and insret a picture, an audio and a video.


  • Link to view the Solution Video for Exercise-1 (Solution).

  • Teacher's Instruction
    1. Initially teachers should help the students to complete the task, if it is required.
    2. Students can arrive at the solution by any method and need not necessary to follow the same method which is given in the Solution.
    3. Point out aspect ratio to the students. If you only make the picture/video broad or long the people and other real-life objects in the picture/video will not look proper. We should try and not change the aspect ratio. If you want a picture in different aspect ratio (say you need a square picture but have a rectangular one), cropping may be a better option.